New course in painting therapy specialising in painting and design
with various specialisations (Hauschka, Collot d’Herbois)
beginning 23rd September 2018.
Two-dimensional artistic therapeutic work /
Three-dimensional artistic therapeutic work
Anthroposophical visual art therapy is a creative form of therapy in which the client actively participates.
It takes as its starting point the complexity of the visual arts which together form a comprehensive whole.
In painting therapy in a medical context, the effects of the mental and the emotional and their imprinting on the organs are observed in particular diseases and the special effects of the laws of light and darkness, colour and form are used.
In clay modelling therapy in a medical context, the effects of the mental and the emotional and their imprinting on the organs are observed in particular diseases and the special effects of the laws of light and heavy, balance and imbalance, convex and concave, inside and outside are used.
The goals of this training are to recognise these laws in diagnosis and to apply them to therapy.
The programme is supported by the non-profit «Association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, Specialisation in Painting and Design»
The degree course, which is based on anthroposophy, is part-time and has a modular structure.
A feature of this training is the specialisation in the work of Margarethe Hauschka and the light and darkness and colour work of Liane Collot d'Herbois.
Students wishing to further their education can take individual modules. Module 1 (medical foundations) and module 3 (artistic foundations) can be attended individually as further education.
A joy of creating an interest in a deeper understanding of light and dark, form and the development of colour arising as an interplay between light and darkness, are prerequisites for the course.
Depending on your previous education, you will acquire or deepen your artistic knowledge and skills and develop these into tools for working in art therapy.
During the foundation study year, modules 1 and 3 can also be attended by people who want to continue their education and would like to improve their own path or who are interested in the content covered by those courses due to their own professional work. Course participants who attend a module selectively have no entitlement to a module certificate. You will receive a confirmation of attendance of the corresponding subjects and hours.
Start: 23rd September 2018
Introductory events will take place on 16th June and 18th August 2018
You can be placed on the list of interested parties and will receive all the necessary information and updates. Mail to: info@studiengang-kunsttherapie.ch
Certificates / Degrees
EA (European Academy of Anthroposophical Art Therapies) art therapist certificate, specialising in painting and sculpture
The programme is registered with the EA for accreditation and has applied to be a recognized module provider.
The EA is an association of international vocational and continuing education programmes and is the accreditation body of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum.
After accreditation, the degree is granted by the degree programme and confirmed by the Medical Section.
The certificate of the EA entitles the holder to use the professional title according to national legislation in the individual countries outside Switzerland.
The degree enables the practice of anthroposophical art therapy as a separate profession, provided that it complies with national legislation.
In addition to training modules as part of the degree programme, practical experience in painting and design must be demonstrated for this certificate.
Branchenzertifikat (Business Certificate)
The programme covers all of the seven required modules for subsequent admission to the
​​Arts Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education,
Specialisation Art Therapy.
(Höhere Fachprüfung in Kunsttherapie, Fachrichtung Gestaltungs- und Maltherapie)
This is an external examination which includes professional experience.
For admission to the Higher Examination (external), a relevant tertiary previous occupation or an equivalent procedure GVB (www.artecura.ch) is required.
The Higher Technical Examination in Art Therapy (HFP) gives the holder the right to use the title «â€‹Arts Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Specialisation Art Therapy». This vocational qualification can be acquired after the training and is also valid outside Switzerland.
The prerequisite for the external examination is relevant professional practice of at least 3 years at 50%, see www.artecura.ch.
The programme is in cooperation with the Anthroposophical Academy for Therapy and Art – a t k a in Dornach.
The modules under the auspices of a t k a are already certified.
The other modules (3, 4, 5, 6) are registered with the OdA ARTECURA for certification after completion of this training course.
After the recognition of modules 3–6 by the OdA ARTECURA, the degree certificate entitles the holder to recognition by professional associations and various health insurance companies (supplementary insurance) in Switzerland.
Degree Programme / Study Offer
Because of the variety of courses on offer at the Anthroposophical Academy for Therapy and Art – a t k a, students can cultivate interdisciplinary and interprofessional exchanges during their art therapy training.
This applies to the medical foundations, psychology, pedagogy, communication, professional role, career path and public relations.
For all a t k a modules, a reduced participation fee for a t k a students applies.
Courses on offer
A feature of this training is the specialisation in the work of Margarethe Hauschka and the light and darkness and colour work of Liane Collot d'Herbois.
The foundation studies give an insight into the specific characteristics of both directions.
Based on these insights, students can choose a specialisation.
The study programme is divided into subject areas according to content, methodology and didactics.
These are based on the main aspects of light, colour, form, lightness and weight in relationship to the human organisation as well as on the classification of the nature of the human being into three functional areas and their interplay with the four essential principles.
Therapeutic approaches derived from diagnosis are the essential components of the curriculum.
The theoretical knowledge is embedded in the regular, practical activities carried out.
In dealing with their own personality and with medical, psychological and psychopathological concepts, the students continuously develop their therapeutic competence.
In the therapy training, theoretical teaching alternates with case presentations and practical training and allows for in-depth acquisition of skills.
Painting based on therapy, painting meditation, drawing, form drawing, case history, work diagnostics, therapeutic methods (general and specialised), therapeutic conversational skills, biography work, art and cultural history, professional studies, case documentation
These topics are complemented by anthroposophical, humanistic aspects and practice-related foundations (anthroposophical anthropology).
The first years of study lead to an artistic and written final year project with a presentation. The final year culminates in the presentation of a thesis.
A practical year can complete the studies.
During mid-term and during their holidays, students work on subject literature, written work, research assignments and job shadowing and internships.
Entrance Requirements
Art training, several years’ experience of working in education, curative education, social therapy or in a nursing environment or completion of vocational training, equivalent to secondary education II.
Depending on the desired certificate, special requirements must be fulfilled (see Degrees).
Enjoyment in artistic design and the impulse to accompany other people through artistic and therapeutic activities.
The training calls for readiness to engage with oneself, to reflect, to develop oneself.
Admission interview with portfolio (10 works with different techniques and topics)
Attendance of an introductory event, dates: 10/03/18; 16/06/2018; 18/08/18; registration required
Dossier on education and interests
Handwritten letter of motivation (at least one A4 page)
Curriculum vitae with details of education and activities
Study period
First Academic Year
Weekly Mondays: Module 2 (Foundation II), Module 3 (Artistic Skills)
Approximately 10 weekends per year: Modules 2, 3
8 x Fri / Sat: Module 1 (Medical Basics) in collaboration with a t k a
The attendance of modules 1 and 2 parallel to the beginning of the studies with module 3 is strongly recommended.
An intensive week
Second Academic Year
Weekly Mondays: Module 2 (Foundation II), Module 3 (Artistic Skills), Module 4 (Art Therapy)
Approximately 10 additional weekends per year: Modules 2, 3, 4
8 x Fri / Sat Module 1 in cooperation with a t k a (Medical Foundation)
An intensive week
Third and Fourth Academic Years
Weekly Mondays and 10 weekends per year: Module 4 (Art Therapy), Module 5 (Art Therapeutic Practices), Module 6 (Case Study)
Often a long-term internship follows the fourth year
In the third year of study: an intensive week
Individual study
An hour daily of artistic-therapeutic practice is recommended during self-study weekends
Additional optional private lessons with a lecturer of your choice
Extra activities
Internships, one-to-one teaching therapy and supervision
Depending on your previous professional experience, additional courses might have to be attended to fill in gaps (these may take place at your place of residence)
Self-study Weeks / Internships
In the autumn: 1 week; Christmas: 3 weeks; Easter: 2 weeks; Summer: 8 weeks
Module 1
Medical Foundations*
See www.studiengang-kunsttherapie.ch/downloads or https://atka.ch
Module 2
Psychology, Pedagogy, Communication
See Orpheus music therapy https://atka.ch/studiengaenge/musiktherapie
Module 3
Artistic Foundation Work*
Knowledge of materials, colour symbolism, meaning and effect, colour theory, form and compositional theory, drawing, form drawing, observation and training of sense perceptions
Module 4
Art Therapy Specialisations
After completing the artistic foundation studies, a specialisation is chosen.
The choice is:
The therapeutic approach based on Margarethe Hauschka
The therapeutic approach based on light-darkness-colour by Liane Collot d'Herbois
Here, specific knowledge will be acquired and the following skills will be developed:
Therapeutic foundations, diagnostics, conversational skills and documentation, specialisation in Margarethe Hauschka and light-darkness-colour after Liane Collot d'Herbois.
See www.studiengang-kunsttherapie.ch/hauschka and www.studiengang-kunsttherapie.ch/collot-d-herbois
Module 5
Job Shadowing and Internships
As part of the training, job shadowing and internships of at least 500 practical hours are required.
The students will have to find their own placements for job shadowing and internships according to their interests.
Module 6
Case Study
A study day at a t k a will teach the basics of working. From the practical work a case study will be developed.
Module 7
Professional Role, Career Path and Public Relations
See https://atka.ch
Intensive Weeks
In the first, second and third year of study an intensive week takes place to deepen the understanding of the selected topics.
It is possible to attend further specialisation weeks within the framework of a t k a, for example in the fields of sculpture, speech and drama, or music.
Performance Records
Proof of their achievements is provided by the students in the form of artistic work, written work (including a case study), oral presentations and other exams.
*During the foundation study year, modules 1 and 3 can also be attended by people who want to continue their education and would like to improve their own path or who are interested in the content covered by those courses due to their own professional work. Course participants who attend a module selectively have no entitlement to a module certificate. You will receive a confirmation of attendance of the corresponding subjects and hours.
Steiner, Rudolf: Colour, Rudolf Steiner Press, Forest Row 2001.
Bühler, Walter: The Body as an Instrument of the Soul, Rudolf Steiner Press, London, GB.
Vogel, Lothar: Der dreigliedrige Mensch, Basel 1979 (not available in English) .
Glas, Norbert: Gefährdung und Heilung der Sinne, Stuttgart 1994
(not available in English).
Koepke, Ewald: Bewusstsein und Kunstentwicklung, Schaffhausen 1997.
Hauschka-Stavenhagen, Margarethe: Zur künstlerischen Therapie, Band 1, Schule für Künstlerische Therapie und Massage, Bad Boll 1976 (not available in English).
Hauschka, Margarethe / Fiechter, Charlotte: Zur Künstlerischen Therapie, Band 2: Wesen und Aufgabe der Maltherapie, Schule für Künstlerische Therapie und Massage, Bad Boll 1978 (not available in English).
Mees-Christeller, Eva / Denzinger, Inge / Altmaier, Marianne / Künstner, Heidi / Umfrid, Heilgard/ Frieling, Elke / Auer, Sylvia: Anthroposophische Kunsttherapie 2, Therapeutisches Zeichnen und Malen, Stuttgart 2003 (not available in English).
Rohen, Johannes: Morphologie des menschlichen Organismus, Stuttgart 2000 (not available in English).
About us / Teachers and Support Staff
The lecturers work in various professional associations, e.g. The Swiss Association for Anthroposophical Art Therapy – SVAKT (www.svakt.ch) and the International Federation of Anthroposophical Arts & Eurythmy Therapies – IFAAET (http://ifaaet-medsektion.net).
Rita Binder-Notter
Kindergarten Teacher
Eva Brenner Seminar for painting and design therapy; ​Arts Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Specialisation Art Therapy
Professional Experience
Working with children and adolescents displaying behavioural problems; art studio work; three months working as an art therapist in psychiatry; art therapy work with adults with disabilities; mentor, one-to-one teaching therapist, supervisor
Special Interests
Teaching the application of the knowledge of the four temperaments in art therapy; fairy tales and their use in art therapy; art therapy work in biographical situations (7 year cycles); introduction to constellation work by Matthias Varga and solution-orientated discussion skills by Steve de Shazer
Anna Dämpfle
Bachelor of Arts in Social Arts, Art Therapy and Art Education
Further Education
Clinical anthroposophical art therapy in the hospital ‹Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke›; Psychodynamic imaginative trauma therapy (after Luise Reddemann) and art therapy; Sculpture School at the Goetheanum from October 2017
Special Interests
Foundation in sculpture; therapeutic use of sculpture; supervising artistic works; various artistic techniques: printing techniques, three-dimensional design etc.
Joost Groot
Born in Amsterdam in 1955
Studied philosophy of science and epistemology at the University of Utrecht; studied pedagogy and curative education at the Vrije Pedagogische Academie in Zeist in Holland; art therapy training at Tobias School of Art in East Grinstead (England); medical painting training at the Emerald Foundation in The Hague (Holland) and under Liane Collot d'Herbois
Work experience
Setting-up painting therapy at the Waid Hospital and the Bethanien Hospital in Zurich; management of the private drawing and painting school Barbier (Zurich); art and medical painting activities in residential and old people's homes and geriatric care; active as a founding member and painting therapist at the Paracelsus Hospital Richterswil since 1994
Special Interests
Painting, therapeutic painting and drawing; colour theory; theory of composition; the Study of Man; cultural history and epistemology
Maria Mlosch-Crettaz
Born in s'-Gravenhage NL in 1955
Dipl. Social Pedagogy; painting studies at H. Hermann, Painting School at the Goetheanum, teaching diploma; painting therapy after M. Hauschka, Zurich / Stuttgart; medical foundations, Zurich; further education in form drawing/sculpture/bookbinding etc.; conversational skills, anthroposophical Study of Man, training for trainers; ​arts therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Specialisation Art Therapy
Professional Experience
Instruction in painting/drawing/sculpture (lower to secondary level); art therapy with children and adolescents displaying behavioural problems; development problems, e.g. ASD, ADHD in various institutions; ongoing: art and painting therapy in own practice (psychosomatics/psychiatry); courses on topics in art therapy; head of the intervision group; supervisor, one-to-one teaching therapist, mentor for art therapists; lecturer in the Painting Therapy Training Arthéa, Switzerland
Special Interests
Painting/painting foundation exercises after M. Hauschka; watercolour technique: wet on wet/damp on damp; drawing/dynamic form drawing; therapeutic painting/drawing/sculpture with children and adolescents; art appreciation/diagnostics and art therapy indications; supervision, mentoring, internship support
Johanna Ryser
Born in Bern, lives and works in Switzerland
Diploma in primary school teaching; diploma in teaching visual design; diploma in Art and Visual Design Therapy; study of work in light, darkness, colour after Liane Collot d'Herbois; diploma in anthroposophical painting therapy, specialising in painting light, darkness, colour; leadership training; professional member of SVAKT
Work Experience
Instructor in adult education; development, introduction and further development of the Diplommittelschule/Fachmittelschule at the Kantonsschule Chur; monitoring of school development projects; 33 years of teaching in secondary schools; participation in various educational policy committees in Switzerland
Special Interests
Visual design, art and cultural history
Barbara Steinmann
Born in Windsor (GB), lives and works in Switzerland
Diploma in Waldorf education, Höhere Fachschule für anthroposophische Pädagogik, Dornach; MA Arts (Art History/Literature and Linguistics), University Basel; leadership training, Kantonale Verwaltung des Kantons Aargau; Certificate in Human Resources; head teacher (tertiary level); theatre pedagogy, solution-oriented coaching, blended learning; ​Arts Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Specialisation Intermedial Art Therapy, ITP Bern, School of Design; supervisor OdA ARTECURA (supervision with art-oriented methods); professional member of Mitkunst, member of SVAKT
Professional Experience
Teaching; Waldorf schools (main lessons 7th–12th grade); School of Design Basel; General Vocational School Basel (Youth)
Headmistress, Berufsfachschule Basel; lecturer in adult education at Higher Technical Schools in Northwest Switzerland; Coach and writing coach
Special Interests
Art and cultural history, art appreciation; study of texts/epistemology; internship supervision; introducing and supervising written work, case studies, presentations; introducing other disciplines: Intermedial; supervision OdA ARTECURA (with art-oriented methods)
Oliva Stutz
Painter of ceramics; Third World service; establishment of a pottery; Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences: Sculpture/Art Therapy; painting lessons with Lajos Boros; Arts Therapist with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Specialisation Art Therapy; one-to-one teaching therapist, mentor
Special Interests
Training of sense perception, exercises in observation; drawing (surrounding space); clay modelling; form drawing
Other lecturers and guest lecturers complement the teaching staff.
Payment Information
Name Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Genossenschaft
IBAN CH47 0839 2000 1545 3430
Bank Clearing No. 8392
Reference Verein zur Förderung der Anthroposophischen Kunsttherapie
PC account: 40-963-0, Post Basel
The favourable conditions of the SEPA procedure apply.
Conditions of contract
when booking a module, a training offer, a continuing education offer
The entire amount for the visit of a module, a training offer, a further education offer must be paid in advance of the beginning of the course.
If you withdraw from the course 0–30 days before the beginning of the training or before the beginning of the module, the course price will be 100% due. If a replacement participant is provided, only the processing fee will be charged.
The receipt of payment decides (in case of overbooking) about the seat reservation.
Processing fees for rebooking, timely withdrawal and all other administrative expenses (illness etc.) is CHF 50.–
The non-profit association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, specializing in Painting and Design, which carries the training, reserves the right to cancel the training if the number of participants is too low.
If the non-profit association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, discipline of painting and design has to cancel a module/further training course, the course costs will be refunded and no recourse claims can be made.
A successful completion of the module with a certificate requires a minimum attendance of 80% and the fulfillment of the required self-study achievements as well as the provision of the required credits.
Basel, March 7, 2018
of the charitable «Association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, Specialisation in Painting and Design»
Article 1: Name and registered office
«Association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, Specialisation Painting and Design» is a non-profit organisation according to Article 60 ff. ZGB based in Basel.
Article 2 Purpose
The «Association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, Specialisation in Painting and Design» enables and promotes the training and further education of anthroposophically oriented art therapists.
It partly finances the materials, which are used in the classroom in our art-therapeutic education and training, such as material costs, rental costs, insurance, fees etc.
It enables economically disadvantaged people to attend art therapy educational institutions and training centres.
Art therapy is used to promote health salutogenically, in periods of acute disease and in its aftercare and also for people with a need for support.
The association supports art therapy work with children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.
The «Association for the Advancement of Anthroposophical Art Therapy, Specialising in Painting and Design» is committed to ensuring that professionals from the fields of medicine, education and social affairs are known to a wider public.
The association supports interprofessional cooperation in the field of artistic therapies.
The association supports evidence-based research in art therapy.
The association is a not-profit association.
Article 3 Membership
Natural and legal persons who support the goals of the association can become members.
The admission of a member into the association takes place by decision of the board.
Membership can be rejected without giving a reason.
Withdrawal from the association should be in written form with one month's notice at the end of the year.
In order for a resignation to be valid, it must delivered to the board before 30th November. The board can exclude members without giving reasons.
It will inform the member in writing.
An objection can be entered within 30 days of receipt of the notice of exclusion.
Article 4 Association Finances
The association finances its activities through membership fees, donations and contributions from institutions and companies, public contributions and donations and revenues from events.
The funds thus gained will be used exclusively to implement the activities referred to in Article 2.
Article 5 Charitable status
The Association of Art Therapy is a non-profit association.
The association may not use funds for activities other than the ones serving the purpose of the association and it may not benefit persons carrying out administrative tasks that are not within the remit of the association and may not disproportionately favour staff with high remuneration.
Article 6 Institutions
The institutions of the association are the general meeting and the Board.
The Board consists of the president, treasurer and secretary.
The Board members are authorised to sign on behalf of the association.
The Board may set up a Secretariat and Advisory Committee.
Article 7 General Meeting
The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association.
It meets at least once annually.
It may also convene at the demand of the Board or of at least one fifth of the members.
Members have to be notified at least two weeks in advance.
The general meeting has the following tasks and competences:
The election of members to the Board for a term in office of one year.
Acceptance of the annual report and the annual accounts as well as granting discharge.
Approval of the budget prepared by the Board.
Amendment of the statutes
Passing of a resolution on all transactions submitted to the general meeting by the Board.
Decision on membership
Passing of a resolution on the allocation of the association's assets in case of dissolution, see article 13.
Applications to the General Assembly must be handed in to the Board four weeks before the General Meeting.
All members have one vote at the general meeting.
The General Meeting decides by simple majority and the chairman of the Board has the casting vote.
Article 8 Board
The Board is the governing body of the association and is accountable to the General Meeting.
It consists of at least two members and constitutes itself.
It has all powers not expressly reserved to another body.
Its activities are in particular:
General management, unless handed over to a secretariat.
Definition of the organisation of the activities of the association in the context of the purpose of the association.
To staff the Secretariat and the Advisory Committee, provided that such bodies have been decided on.
Preparation of the annual budget and the annual report.
Transferring individual areas of work to Board members, members of the association or third parties.
The Board decides by a simple majority or a casting vote of the chairman of the Board.
In addition to the agenda announced in writing, members present can submit further motions for discussion.
The chairman of the Board is usually also the president. Otherwise, he/she will be elected by the Board for the meeting.
The Board meets at least once a year at the invitation of the chairman of the Board.
Extraordinary Board meetings may be convened at short notice (at least one week), after an announcement by the president or at least three Board members.
Article 9 Secretariat
The board may appoint a Secretariat as the executive body of the association.
Article 10 Advisory Committee
The Board can decide to set up an Advisory Committee.
The advisory board serves the professional and publicising needs of the association.
It is composed of people who have committed themselves in some way to the purpose of the association and who are willing to support the association of art therapy with their name and their expertise in-house and in public.
Article 11 Liability
The association's assets are exclusively liable for the obligations of the association.
Article 12 Amendments to the Bylaws
The General Meeting may change the present bylaws at any time, with the exception of Bylaw 13, if two thirds of the members present agree.
Members must be notified of amendments to the bylaws when they receive their invitation to the General Meeting.
Article 13 Dissolution
The association can be dissolved by the General Meeting if announced in the invitation and if two thirds of the members present vote in favour.
Any remaining assets will be transferred to a charitable non-profit organisation or foundation which is in accordance with the goals of the art therapy association.
Members are barred from a reflux of funds. This regulation is mandatory and cannot be changed by the General Meeting.
Basel 20/01/18
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